Monday, July 4, 2011

Fate or what not.

So to start i realized something... I am meant to have friends named Melanie and Michelle. Why i was thinking this is because a couple years ago, i had a couple of friends...Melanie and Michelle. Some drama went on and we are no longer friends. I was reading a nice blog...from someone nicknamed smellyann. I spent an entire 2 days reading it... i didn't even finish. But i went and friended her, probably everywhere. Her name i came to find out was Melanie. I would laugh, because every time i would talk about her, I would have to clarify with who ever it was i was talking to, that it was my Internet friend, not Melanie Melanie. Then someone messaged me on youtube about my videos, asking for help. After a couple messages it clicked in my head that her name was Michelle. So then having to talk to Anthony about what i am doing, i started the whole not Michelle Michelle thing But awhile later i was thinking...i have my friends Melanie and Michelle. AM i just meant to have friends by these names...and even funner... i was talking to Jessie about my long time ago friend shannon...yes...shannon. and she was all like but your were friends with yourself...i then went on to explain about Shannon and Shannon.

Its a small joke that i laugh at every time someone asks...because i think in my head about the joke i use to tell to myself...Our street was awfully quiet because of all the shh's... there was Shannon, Shannon, Sharon, Charlene, Shawna...all on the same block. that was fun.

Any way I think i ought to get down to the actual post...First up. We have Azriel trying EXTREMELY hard to be iron man. those are pillows in his shirt, and no its not the 90's (shoulder pad joke)

And here we have Anavay dressing up her dog... isn't he perty?

And because i didn't have a silly picture of Atreyu...I threw this one in, so he didn't feel left out.

On to tatting. I have been tatting but more tiny, trying new things tatting, I really haven't gotten any further on my hanky edge but I'll get around to it. This is the thread that I got from Fox... It is so pretty and i tried breaking some with my hands got hopefully it will tat up beautifully...See I thought that it had gotten lost in the mail but it was just because of the mail strike...But see this is a great example of something to do in my next photo...

A lot of needle tatters have the question "where do you keep your needles" Well. Last year or earlier this year I won a drawing over on intatters. Kersti sent me a test tube looking thing for holding your needles.. and then she also sent a needle. So needless to say I have been using that...until yesterday. Yesterday I was getting up from my recliner and for some reason my tatting bag was under there. I SMOOSHED it! I heard cracking and breaking but when I looked and investigated my bag, I saw that nothing had broken..this morning i took out my needle tubey and IT WAS WHAT BROKEN. I was heartbroken. So my plans are to super glue it together. BUT in the m&m minis container will do...And its portable...I could just pop my thread that fox gave me into it (cause it fits) And then i would have everything I would need to do needle tatting. Anyway I hear a whole bunch of loud pops... so either fireworks are going off or someone is getting shot...maybe both!