This is my opinion of how little girls should look.this skirt is slightly lower than her knees. its a white floral, and imagine my shock that it was the ONLY decent skirt in the whole place! Why do parents want their little girls dressing like a woman? I don't understand it. As far as Ana...I am still trying to get here into frustration on that front.
Now for the fun...this was the morning of September 6th...the hair is whack and they are wearing daddy shirts...
this is the after picture of showers and uniforms...Don't they look SMASHING! I love uniforms. I have heard a few parents complain about their kids having to wear uniforms...I just don't understand it at all...they look good, ready for learning, there is no argument of who is gonna wear what, no one is cooler that someone else, they learn to follow a dress code, they look real nice...downside...more laundry...They come home discard the uniform and put on their jeans...then costume, then jeans, then daddys shirts..
This is Atreyu walking with auntie. now funny thing is i don't actually remember who was holding her hand but i see his head. And the poor teacher (Mrs.Lombardi) gets them confused every day...she will get it right :) There is talk of their class being transferred to morning class and i know i would really like that.
And here they are talking with a friend that they met in the summer camp thingy.
So thats their first day. I have actually adjusted quite nicely. They are gone for 4 hours. They really like school but really hate homework. Today actually my Az was BEGGING me to take him to school...never thought that would i made sure to get it on video! I hope to do some tatting today, So I'll talk to y'all later!