Thursday, November 25, 2010

Anavays Birthday story...very long

My daughter, Anavay. It will have been three years tomorrow, since she was born. I remember that day extremely well. It was so chalked full of emotion. First of all, from midnight, i could not eat or drink till the doctor said it was ok... 'cause i was having a c-section...So I was very hungry...and my darn sister had brought me a damn brownie cheesecake, that i couldn't I woke up and had to wait about an hour and a half before we (me and Anthony) had to leave... that meant me stewing and crying for that time...Mind you that my other two babies are a year and a half and the cutest babies... i had never been away from them for more than a day, at that time. So i was heartbroken...not to mention the pregnancy hormones. So we get our goodbyes... and for y'all wondering who was going to watch the babies... they were with responsible, caring people...So me and Anthony get on the bus. My mom lived down the street from the friends that were caring for my babies...she told me that she was going to meet us at the friends, then she said that she would just meet me on the bus. I was waiting and waiting, she never showed. I cried all the way, in public, big tears. It still hurts to think of it... but we get to the hospital. Poor Anthony is trying his hardest to make me feel better. I feel so very bad for him, because there was nothing he could do, so on top of being hungry, hormonal, baby-sick, and very sad and disappointed, I felt guilty, guilty that i was making Anthony miserable, and this was supposed to be so happy...

We check in and we wait in the waiting room. About an hour goes by and they call us up to go to prep...right before we go in I see anthony's mom, step dad, and sister coming down the hall.. AGAIN i cried. i was so happy, someone was there...someone...Then again saddened because they needed to get back to work and school. My heart was so happy i think it exploded. My surgery got pushed back to 4pm. So from 2 to 4 i had Anthony checking for my mom...she never showed. I went in for Ana. They started at 4:05 a few short minutes later, I got to see the little hellion that made me miserable for 8 and a half months...every single minute of it She cried and Anthony held her to me for as long as he could. They took her and did all the usuals...The funnest part came after the surgery. I was still very hungry, so i tried rushing getting thought the rest of the anesthesia... in the process, i made myself throw up...a lot...after an abdominal surgery...NOT A GOOD IDEA.

So my sweet boyfriend taped it...I go out and i was tossing my stomach acid, there is anthonys blessed family...watching me toss. Anthonys mom was crying she was so happy and i was woozy...again my mom wasn't there...About an hour later they took me to my room...This is where anthonys dad and grandma tony meets us... of course i am in the middle of trying to breast feed...totally lol. So i hand over the ana (who isn't named yet), who isn't interested in my boobie (yet!) And in walks my mom. she stays only a few minutes and I get to be sad....again. Later that night, we decide on ANAVAY. For almost the first day she didn't want to eat. But i kept trying, and trying, i was bound and determined to breast feed her. I had tried to breast feed my boys but that didn't work... so i was really determined. My friends brung my babies to me everyday that i was in the hospital. My poor baby Atreyu was deathly afraid... i feel so bad for him. but by the last day he was OK with it...Then i was to spend another day at my friends house before returning to my own apartment.

So much has happened since then...too much to go into right now... But her are the ups... her smile, her sleep face, her sweet voice, her tolerance to her brothers, her superior hugs, and her obsession with the letter T.